Hello Friends, another week has gone by and this week really flew by. I thought it would slow down a little because the students went home but it’s not true, it’s been a busy week. They’re throwing up the new office (click video to see what it looks like https://youtu.be/i-Ctm6kRbsc?si=FNkAb2JM4LmbxH4V). The construction is coming along fairly quickly. Today’s a drying day, they’ll be back tomorrow to work again. That’s exciting that’s going on.
Also this week, I’m making plans to open the women’s dorm for next year. I’m excited that we’re going to be able to house women. Trying to prepare class schedules, get the budget closed out for the 23/24 school year and get it up and running for the 24/25 year. It looks like it’s going to be about 350 US dollars, per student, per month, to keep the school running. And we’re expecting 15 students this year. So if you want to sponsor a student, please start donating every month and help us to make disciples that can make disciples (www.NowDeb.com/support).
Also this week were hosting the work for a living seminar. It started yesterday, teaching people about interviewing skills, how to find a job, how to keep a job, how to represent Christ well in the workforce. A little bit of finances, running your own little business on the side, things like that. It’s a 10-day program, I’ve been sitting in and it’s pretty nice. There’s been lots of laughter and getting to know each other. Prayers for the students who are attending that. I say students but it’s people that are affiliated with Called Christians, the Bridge Calvary Chapel or that we know here locally who are coming to work on improving some of their personal skills. Also this week I started a Bible study in Hebrews. I don’t know if you’ve read that one but it’s a nice. If you haven’t read it in a while maybe get it out and read it. Lots of great stuff in there!
That’s what’s going on. Thank you guys for praying and I’ll talk to you again next week. God bless.

Pictured: teacher Jennifer with Work 4a Living